About Me

Professional and academic experience

Philip Suskin
  • 2018 - Present
    Software Engineer
    Software engineer at classix
  • 2019 - 2022
    Bachelor of Science
    B. Sc. - CS & Eng. at TU Hamburg
  • 2022 - Present
    App Developer
    Senior app developer at Cheyai
  • 2022 - Present
    Master of Science
    M. Sc. - CS at TU Hamburg
Philip Suskin


tailored to any
domain with AI

Using LLMs (Large Language Models) and a training method called Finetuning in conjunction with RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation), conversational interfaces can be trained on domain-specific language and tasks

Check it out

Latest Projects

  • Hearthstone

    Automation of Hearthstone, a turn-based card strategy game, using real-time game logs

    See full project
    FaceHunter AI
  • Pollard Rho
    Multi Precision

    Implementation of a complete prime factorization using different versions of pollard rho

    See full project
    Pollard Rho
  • Dragon

    Visualization of the iterative generation of a non-intersecting fractal known as the dragon curve

    See full project
    Dragon Fractal

Products and Literature

Coloring Book

AI-Generated Coloring Book

A coloring book generated entirely through AI

View product

AI Research Paper on Large Language Models

Development of a Conversational Interface Based on Institution-Specific Documentation through LLM Finetuning

Read full paper

Personal Blog

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